Guitar Pedal Component Guides
Welcome to what’s probably the most boring looking page on this site, but also a very useful one! I originally started this site to not only share my knowledge on DIY guitar pedals, but also learn a few things along the way while solidifying my knowledge. With that in mind, I’ve been writing more than a few guides to various guitar pedal components. This project started with a in depth articles that explained each guitar pedal component, what they were used for, and more. I called these ultimate guides. From there, I noticed that a few of the topics in the in depth guides needed more information; I didn’t want to add more to the ultimate guides though, they were already quite long. The ultimate guides were designed to be a primer and a good introduction to the topics. From there, readers could go further in other topics as I covered them in more depth elsewhere.
The problem with covering specific topics in further articles though is that it made some of the information difficult to find. Sure, you can check the guitar pedal components category, but it’s in no particular order. So if you want to go for a deep dive on transistors, you may miss something.
So I created this page! It’s not the coolest page here, but it should make it a lot easier to find information on specific components.
Everything is (vaguely) in order of complexity/how it should be read. If you’re completely new to guitar pedal making and know nothing about a given component, start at the beginning of the list. Otherwise, jump right to an article on the topic you need.