What Is Gain Stacking And How Do You Do It?
January 16, 2025If you’ve been playing around with pedals like overdrive, distortion, or fuzz (especially overdrive), you’ve probably tried combining the two to see what happens. If you’re just fooling around without thinking about it, it may not sound very good, but done with some consideration and calculation, stacking pedals can have a lot of benefits and […]
Marshall Bluesbreaker On Stripboard
December 4, 2024Here’s how to build a Marshall Bluesbreaker on stripboard. Sure, this thing isn’t anywhere as popular as something like an Ibanez Tube Screamer or a Boss OD-1, but it’s a guitar pedal that’s been increasing in popularity in recent years. The Marshall Bluesbreaker is designed to sound like the old Marhsall amps Eric Clapton used […]
Lumpy’s Tone Shop Lemon Drop On Stripboard
November 7, 2024Here’s a fun pedal build project: Lumpy’s Tone Shop Lemon Drop. This pedal actually comes in a variety of names though. I wasn’t familiar with Lumpy’s Tone Shop, but found the stripboard layout on Tagboard Effects. In looking into this pedal, it looks like Lumpy’s Tone Shop is now going by the name Electric Majik, […]
Ibanez Tube Screamer (TS808) On Stripboard
October 28, 2024https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBg-8j0x-a0 The Ibanez Tube Screamer is one of the most famous and sought after overdrive pedals around. The original TS808 and Boss’ OD-1 are classics that everyone wants to recreate. Well, here it is, the wiring schematic and stripboard layout for the TS808 model Ibanez Tube Screamer, or pretty close. I have an article on […]
How Does A Drive, Gain, Or Distortion Knob Work?
September 17, 2024I’ve touched on this subject a lot, but I want to approach it differently now. Namely, from the perspective of the potentiometer that is controlling the gain in an overdrive, distortion, or fuzz pedal. When talking about this before, I’ve mostly gone through how clipping diodes work in guitar pedals and how they cause clipping […]
What Is Gain (And How It’s Different From Volume)
September 5, 2024This is going to be a fun article to write (not really), because the concept of gain is actually kind of elusive to define if you’re trying to be general. I’ve always understood the concept of gain as it pertains to guitar pedals (and general guitar oriented analogue electronics). However, as I did some research […]
Lovepedal Champ On Stripboard
August 2, 2024https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p2gMxmzsjQ It’s been awhile since I’ve built anything,so it was nice to get back into my workshop and build this awesome little pedal: the Champ by Lovepedal. There’s quite a few pedals I want to build (or build again to give to friends), but I’ve been working my way through my list of easy to […]
What’s The Difference Between Symmetrical And Asymmetrical Clipping?
July 17, 2024When it comes to clipping sound signals, typically in guitar pedals, you’ll often hear about symmetrical and asymmetrical clipping. Although clipping guitar signals (and any audio signal for that matter) can be done through a variety of ways, when talking about symmetrical and asymmetrical clipping, people are specifically talking about clipping diodes in guitar pedals. […]
How To Use A Distortion Or Overdrive Pedal
July 12, 2024If you want to add a little more oomph to your sound, it’s common to use an overdrive or distortion pedal. The two affects have similarities, but there is a difference between overdrive and distortion. Overdrive and distortion are kind of the core guitar effects; if you ask what are guitar pedal does, OD and […]
What’s The Difference Between Overdrive, Distortion, And Fuzz?
July 9, 2024Whether you’re just getting started with guitar effects pedals or already have a collection (whether you’re building them or buying them), you’ve probably heard of overdrive, distortion, and fuzz. Maye you’ve heard these terms used interchangeably or heard they’re similar, but you don’t really know the difference. Gear heads could probably go on and on […]