Wiring schematic for an Ibanez Tube Screamer's input buffer.

How To Read A Circuit Diagram

May 27, 2024

Even if you’re just doing PCB kits or following strip board layouts, learning how to read a circuit diagram really comes in handy when building guitar pedals, or for electrons in general. So, if you stumbled onto this article with no interest in guitar pedals and just want to learn how to read circuit diagrams, […]

A wiring schematic showing a basic voltage divider.

What Is A Voltage Divider?

May 23, 2024

Most guitar pedals use a 9 volt direct current. There are pedals out there that use something else, but 9 volts is the most common, especially when it comes to DIY guitar pedals. However, what do you do if you need something lower than 9 volts? What if your pedal needs both 9 volts and […]

Image of a guitar pick with Ohms Law written over it.

Ohm’s Law: Explanation And Applications

Ohm’s Law is one of the basic electrical equations that will help you better understand what’s happening in electrical circuits and why certain components are in guitar pedals. Although you probably just want to start putting things together and making some noise, you’ll better be able to troubleshoot guitar pedal builds and designs if you […]